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No more paint on your light switches when decorating. Use these for neat sockets.

Like painting but hate the cutting in? Nothing looks worse than paint on your light switches. We've been using a range of products for paint spraying which would be a great addition for the home DIY'ers painting kit. These products let you splash around with the paint brush but end up with a great finish every time.

We'll have a look at a small range of products which could take the hassle out of your next painting project.

PRNT3D.CO.UK light switch protector cover

PRNT3D.CO.UK socket shield

Light Switch Protectors

The most obvious place for getting paint of during decorating are light switches. This is why we have been using a product from PRNT3D to help protect light switches. Their single socket shields are a plastic cover which can be easily placed over your slight switches. Press in place, apply a liberal coating of paint around the socket and voila! A perfect finish and no more paint on the plastic!

PRNT3D.CO.UK masking a socket

Plug Socket Protectors

Similar to the light switch covers are the double socket shields. Attach in the same way as the single socket shields and have you plug sockets protected in a second.

PRNT3D.CO.UK spot light cover protector

Spot Light Protectors

As professional decorators, we generally try to remove spot lights however, some spot lights are difficult to remove and have to stay in place. We've search everywhere for a product to mask around spot lights as they can be difficult to mask with tape due to their low profile design. Now the guys at PRNT3D have come up with a spot light shield which can be fitted in an instant and completely protect spot lights. Pop in place and you're ready to go!

PRNT3D.CO.UK hinge protector

Hinge Protectors

If anyone has sprayed doors and had to tape hinges, they will know how hard they are to tape and also how the tape falls off when you open and close doors. The guys at PRNT3D also felt the pain and created a product which takes the pain away. Their hinge shields easily slide into place and come in two lengths for standard or bathroom doors. See their website for more details.



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