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How to use a paint sprayer for the first time to paint a room in your home!

Like many people at home thinking about their next painting project, using a paint sprayer is becoming a more common question. In this article we will talk you through a step by step guide in how to use a paint sprayer for the first time to paint a room in your home, the things to look out for and things you need to understand before you buy a paint sprayer and get started.

Paint spraying a house with a paint sprayer

When to use a paint sprayer to paint a room?

If you have a freshly plastered room, then this is the best time to use a paint sprayer. Most people reading this though will not have this, as it's generally more for new build homes or extensions. In this article we will concentrate on the standard homeowner, looking to decorate one to three rooms lets say.

The first thing we will say is if you're looking to paint a room all white or all one colour then this is an ideal time to start thinking of a paint sprayer. With the ceiling and walls being the same colour you can spray away, although there are a few things you need to be aware of first which we will cover later on in the article.

When not to use a paint sprayer?

If you have a small room with lots of items in it, like wardrobes and you're looking to have the ceiling one colour and the walls another. Forget paint spraying. You will have a number of problems like spraying the ceiling white, then masking off all the ceiling to then spray the walls, then when you pull the tape off the ceiling all the paint pulls off with the tape. A guide we use is one colour in the room spray. If not brush and roller is quicker.

Can you paint the woodwork?

The answer is yes but, not yet! Spraying the walls is far simpler and easier. Mistakes are easily removed and gone over. Spraying wood work is for more experienced sprayers. You need the right process with of how to spray. Let's leave this for another time but the answer is definitely not just yet.

Best scenarios for paint spraying for homeowners.

The best place to start would be a living or dining room. Maybe a large bedroom. The larger the space the more paint spraying will be a benefit. You're aiming for as little masking and covering of carpets and furniture as possible.

Also look for rooms which are going to be painted all white or all Jasmine White for instance. Like we said, if the walls are a different colour to the ceiling, forget it!

Things to know before starting paint spraying a room.

The first thing to make you aware of that people don't take into account is the amount of masking involved. You will need to mask EVERYTHING that isn't getting sprayed. Lights, light switches, windows, doors and the one thing people forget, skirting boards and carpets. You cannot spray your skirting boards the same time as spraying your walls, so these all need masking. You also need plastic backed dust sheets as the fine dust and overspray from spraying will find its way into the carpet. For your first project it would be good to start in a room with a hard floor as mistakes can be easily cleaned up with water and a cloth.

Here's are some masking products to help. Click the link to view the products on the website.


A paint sprayer will help you complete your painting in now time but remember. You will spend 90% masking for 10% spraying. The emptier the room with less to mask makes it more suitable and a better choice to spray.

Think ahead and buy the correct masking products up front. It till make your life easier and make for a better finish.

We won't go into the details of how to spray as we have other articles on this but as long as you're ready to commit to paint spraying, it can be a fast and enjoyable process. Happy Paint Spraying!



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