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How to stop peeling paint and various ways how to fix it.

You're decorating a room, painting away with a roller and all of a sudden you see the paint either blistering, flaking or peeling. What is going on you ask? Firstly DO NOT TOUCH the paint. In the article we'll show you how to stop peeling paint and give you a list of things to try to get your room painting back on track!

Peeling paint and how to fix it

Peeling Paint - What next?

The first thing to do if you see peeling paint is to stop and wait. The worst thing you can do is start rubbing or scraping the area. More often than not, the problem area will go away if you can be patient and leave it over night. Patience is the key and if everything is fine by the morning, give the area another coat. It might bubble again but it will go down if it did the first time.

Buubling and peeling paint with zinsser peel stop

Bubbling and Peeling Paint Isn't Going Away!

Okay so you've been patient but the problem still remains. What to do next? This is where things get a little more serious. Now is the time to break out the scraper unfortunately. You will need to take the scraper to the affected area and remove any paint which isn't adhered well to the wall. This might be a small area, it might be the whole wall, however large the area, keep on scraping until you have a good surface.

Zinsser Peel Stop

The fix

Now the area is scraped it's time to sand. All those edges where the paint has peeling need properly sanding and making sure they are smooth. At this stage you're ready for paint but we recommend an extra step first. Zinsser Peel Stop is a product manufactured exactly for this application. Apply all around the area where the paint has peeled and leave to dry. We usually apply two coats just in case. Allow to dry thoroughly.

Now you're ready for paint. We highly recommend a very quick and light coat of paint first. Again you might get some bubbling but wait and see. If it doesn't go down you will have to go back to the beginning and start again so no is the time to pray!

Still having problems with peeling paint?

Filler for peeling paint

If you still have problems there is only one thing you can do. Now is time for drastic measures. Get some fine filler and fill over the problem areas. Once dry, sand down and apply the Peel Stop. Then again hope and apply a thin layer of paint. We've only had to do this once as a decorating company but it worked!


In conclusion if you see bubbling or peeling paint then wait. Leave it over night before you do anything drastic. After that you're in a fight but we're up to the challenge!



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