The most common area we see paint in people homes are on door hinges and it's easy to see why. Door hinges are hard to avoid and once you get paint on them, it's hard to remove. We've seen some handy protectors which are good for DIYers or professional painters alike, along with some other products which can make your life significantly easier when painting a room.

Door Hinge Protectors
Conventionally people use masking tape (like ourselves) to wrap around the hinges. The problem is it always falls off and you spend more time taping than painting.
We've uncovered a product from which takes away the majority of paint when painting around door hinges. When painting a door it's not only the door side of the hinge that is a problem. Also the frame side often gets covered in a black dirt which is created by the hinge. This dirt is hard to reach and difficult to paint over. With the hinge protects from PRNT3D this solves this problem. They surround the sides and top of the hinge meaning you can apply as much paint as you like around the hinge and the hinge itself will remain paint free. They come in a short and long version so just check you have the right version for your doors.

Spotlight Covers for Painting
Another item which is popular with DIY painter are their spotlight covers. Now in theory, spotlights can be pulled down so you can easily paint around them. Unfortunately that's in theory. Whenever we come to do this in practice we always come up against spotlights which cannot be pulled down. This leaves you having to paint around them or hold them in your fingers while trying to paint between them.
The spotlight shields from PRNT3D come in sizes from 80-90mm (make sure you get the correct size) and simply push over the top of the spotlights. Again this means you can be liberal with the paint without having to worry about paint getting onto the spotlights themselves.

Other Paint Masking Products have a range of masking products. Check them out if you want to take some of the stress out of you next painting project.
